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Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Sensory Stimulation Theory Education Essay

The Sensory Stimulation Theory Education Essay Chapter 2 Literature Review Learning: Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior with behavior including both observable activity and internal process such as thinking, attitudes and emotion(Burns, 1995) According to Bruner, learning is a social process, whereby students construct new concepts based on current knowledge(Thanasoulas). There are different theories about learning that is how people learn. It is very useful to consider their application and how student learn and how teachers teach in educational programmes(Dunn, 2002). It is also very important to know that every does not learn by the same way. This understanding helps teachers to devise effective strategies for teaching(Sirhan, 2007). Burns definition shows that learning might not manifest itself in observable behavior until some time after the educational programme has taken place. Sensory Stimulation Theory: According to sensory stimulation theory effective learning occurs when the senses are stimulated. According to Laird, research has proved that the majority of knowledge held by adults (75%) is learned through seeing. Hearing is the next most effective (about 13%) and the other senses touch, smell and taste account for 12% of what we know (Laird, 1985). Reinforcement Theory: Reinforcement theory was presented by B.F. Skinner. Skinner viewed that behavior is a function of consequences. The learner will repeat the desired behavior if positive reinforcement (pleasant consequent consequence) follows the behavior. (Laird 1985, Burns 1995). Competency based Training is based on this theory and although it is useful in learning repetitive tasks like multiplication tables and those work skills that require a great deal of practice, higher order of learning is not involved (Burns, 1995). Cognitive-Gestalt approaches This approach emphasizes on the importance of experience, meaning, problem-solving and the development of insights (Burns, 1995, p. 112) Burns notes that this theory has developed the concept that individuals have different needs and concerns at different times, and that they have subjective interpretations in different contexts. Holistic learning theory The basic premise of this theory rests on that for learning to be effective require activation of individual personality which consists of many elements specifically the intellect, emotions, the body impulse (or desire), intuition and imagination (Laird, 1985, p. 121). Facilitation theory (the humanist approach) Laird (1985) discussed this theory and ascertained that learning will occur by the educator acting as a facilitator, that is by establishing an atmosphere in which learners feel comfortable to consider new ideas and are not threatened by external factors. He further characterized this theory by arguing that i) human beings have a natural eagerness to learn ii) there is some resistance to, and unpleasant consequences of, giving up what is currently held to be true and that the most significant learning involves changing ones concept of oneself. Experiential learning Kolb (in McGill Beaty, 1995) proposed an experiential learning model which is a four-stage learning process. In fact, the process can begin at any of the stages and is continuous in that there is no limit to the number of cycles you can make in a learning situation. This theory posits that without reflection one would simply continue to repeat our mistakes. Kolbs research found that people learn in four ways with the likelihood of developing one mode of learning more than another. As shown in the experiential learning cycle model above, learning is i) through concrete experience ii)through observation and reflection iii)through abstract conceptualization iv)through active experimentation. It is worth discussing Kolbs work further Constructivism Constructivism is a theory founded on observation and scientific study about how people learn. It is a method of teaching that encourages the thought process of the student and assumes that prior knowledge, attitude, motivation, and learning style affect the learning process (Spencer, 1999).It is the idea that the learners construct their own knowledge. Constructing of knowledge is a personal process where the student is involved in their own learning by seeking to find meaning to their present and past experiences (Boghassiam, 2006). Constructivism may become an alternative methodology to the traditional teaching method known. The traditional method for teaching science has its roots in what is called behaviorism, which is the belief that an idea can be transferred intact from the mind of the instructor to the mind of the student, or that telling is teaching (Spencer, 1999). Behaviorism views the student as an unreflective responder (Boghassiam, 2006).When implementing the behaviorism method; students are expected to respond to questions in class or on a test. If their answers are correct, they receive a good grade as a way to encourage their good behavior. If the student does not get the answer correct, they will receive a poor grade with the hope to send the message to the student that their behavior is bad and that they need to change it until they get the answer correct. There is no subjective element to learning-either in determining what to study or in how information is interpreted, used, or understood (Boghassiam, 2006). Behaviorism dominated the educational landscape 25 years ago, while the foremo st learning theory today is constructivism (Boghassiam, 2006). Table 1 lists some comparative features of behaviorism and constructivism. Table 1. Comparison of Behaviorism and Constructivism Constructivism Behaviorism Knowledge is constructed. Group work promotes the negotiation of and develops a mutually shared meaning of knowledge. Individual learner is important. The ability to answer with only one answer does not demonstrate student understanding. Truths are independent of the context in which they are observed. Learner observes the order inherent in the world. Aim is to transmit knowledge experts have acquired. Exam questions have one correct answer. (Spencer, 1999). New Directions in Teaching Chemistry: A philosophical and Pedagogical Basis. Journal of Chemical Education, 76(4), 566. Professor Jean Piaget lifes work was based on the study of the nature of knowledge and the childs psychology. Jean Piagets theory on the mental development of children included the concept of cognitive structures, which the child himself constructs in interaction with the environment in a continuous way from birth to adolescence (Schwebel Raph, 1973). Advocates of constructivism agree with Piaget claiming that constructivism is the individuals processing of stimuli from the environment and the resulting cognitive structures that produces adaptive behavior (Kathleen Bahr, 2008)(Brandon, 2010). These structures take the form of schemata, explanations, and experiences that a student uses to understand the world they experience around them (Todd, 2004, p. 12). The philosophy of constructivist education operates by four major assumptions. The first assumption is that previous constructs are the foundation of the learning process in each student. In other words, new information is transformed and interpreted based upon what a student previously learned. Second, assimilation and accommodation processes lead to new constructions. New information may not be able to assimilate with previous knowledge, so the student accommodates the new information resulting in new zones of cognitive development or higher learning. Third, learning is not mechanical, but a process of invention. This is the idea that students hypothesize, predict, manipulate, and construct knowledge, rather than simply memorize facts. Finally, constructivists assume that meaningful knowledge occurs through reflection and the linking of new information to the existing framework of knowledge.(Brandon, 2010) Piaget discusses constructivism by explaining it as intelligence, what it means, where it comes from, and how it is developed. From Jean Piagets point of view, intelligence is the ability to adapt to new situations. In order to adapt to a new situation, a person must comprehend the situation and come up with a solution through their understanding. In order to understand a new situation, one must assimilate it to knowledge that has already been built and brought to the situation. Piaget calls this knowledge that is brought to the new situation as structures. Knowledge is in some way organized or structured for all ages. Structures become more elaborate as a person grows older (Schwebel Raph, 1973, pp. 217-218). An example of this would be adult humor. A 4 year old and their parent can go to the movies and there will be concepts in the movie that the adult will comprehend, that the child will not. Another example of richer structures of knowledge amongst older people can be tested by asking what the first thing that comes to mind when a 4, 10, and 20 year old hear the word mommy. A 4 year old may say she loves me or I love her. A 10 year old may say she stays home and takes care of the house. A 20 year old may respond with motherhood. Piaget would explain that because knowledge is an organized structure, no meaningful concept can exist in isolation (Schwebel Raph, 1973). To the contrary, a behaviorist would expect for each person to have the same answer when thinking of the word mommy. The development of intelligence is a continuous process of constructions from birth to adolescence in a sequence that is the same for all children in all cultures (Schwebel Raph, 1973, p. 222). A behaviorist would state that knowledge is absorbed from the outside, while Piaget would see knowledge as a building of structures from inside. Piaget supports his difference to a behaviorist by explaining that children would not have similar sequences in development if information was simply absorbed. The only major difference in development amongst children has been the rate of development and not the sequence (Schwebel Raph, 1973, p. 222). The four factors of development are: biological factors, experiences with physical objects, social factors of inter-individual coordination and cultural and educational transmission, and factors of equilibration (Schwebel Raph, 1973, p. 223). It is the role of the teacher to teach in such a way that all the factors are at work (Schwebel Raph, 1973, p . 224). Constructivists have shown that the model that is the closest to how students learn is called the learning cycle. A learning cycle is illustrated in Figure. Inductive Deductive E I A Exploration Concept Invention Application à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢What did you do? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢What did you find? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Organizes Information à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Data Aquisition à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Is there any pattern to the data? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Predict, form a hypothesis à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢What does it mean? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Test hypothesis à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Higher level of thinking Figure . The Learning Cycle (Spencer, 1999).New Directions in Teaching Chemistry: A philosophical and Pedagogical Basis. Journal of Chemical Education, 76(4), 566. The constructivist-learning-cycle approach is also called inquiry-based and has been shown to facilitate retention of information and the transfer of thinking skills and content (Spencer, 1999). It is through the constructivist-learning-cycle that students proceed from the concrete to the abstract.(Spencer, 1999). The constructive theory encourages learners to be active creators of their knowledge. The role of the student is to pick out and transform information, build ideas, and make decisions, while relying on cognitive structures. Rather than using the teachers knowledge and textbooks for solving problems, the students comes up with solutions and develops knowledge in the learning process. The student must feel connected to their teacher for constructivist learning to occur. If the student feels disconnected from their teacher, they will go back to the old ways of learning they feel most comfortable with such as rote memorization, algorithmic techniques, and cramming (Todd, 2004, pp. 12-18).The job of the teacher is to design a learning format that is aligned with the students current state of knowledge. The teacher becomes a facilitator of knowledge asking, What do students need to learn? rather than, What do I want to teach? Recognizing students preexisting conceptions, teachers guide act ivities to build students knowledge. As each new activity is taught, the student uses previous knowledge to develop more complex ideas and integrate new information (Brandon All, 2010). The guided inquiry curriculum begins with the assumption that knowledge is not directly transferred from the instructor to the student; that is the constructivist approach is implemented and follows the learning cycle (Spencer, 1999).A closer look at guided inquiry and its practical implication will be discussed in further detail in the next section. Application of Constructivism theory Guided Inquiry Guided-inquiry learning is a process by which students discover basic concepts through active investigation (Jin Bierma, 2011).Guided-inquiry, commonly known as POGIL (for Process Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning), has been shown to significantly increase student comprehension of difficult-to-understand concepts (Jin Bierma, 2011). Guided-inquiry is an active learning technique that focuses on concept understanding. Recent developments in classroom research results suggest that students generally experience improved learning when they are actively engaged in the classroom and when they construct their own knowledge following a learning cycle paradigm (Farrel, S.Moog, Spence, 1999).Active learning techniques are used by educators who recognize that students learn better by doing rather than listening (Jin Bierma, 2011) Guided-inquiry is commonly used in chemistry labs. The student is guided through questions in their lab assignments until they discover the concepts where the mechanisms at work are too small to observe with the naked eye (Jin Bierma, 2011). The student looks for trends and patterns in the data they collect. At that point they would form a hypothesis and then test their hypothesis. The goal is to make connections between observations and principles. This approach is based on the learning cycle: data collection, concept invention, and application (Farrel, S.Moog, Spence, 1999). Throughout the entire lab the student would be asked guiding questions to require the student to think about the various steps rather than simply following instructions (Farrel, S.Moog, Spence, 1999) With the implication of guided-inquiry methods, students work in teams with specifically designed guided-inquiry materials. The materials will either provide information or guide students through experiments, so they can collect their own information. These materials can be in the form of worksheets that serve as a tutorial to the students. The worksheets can contain questions that help to construct understanding by having the student build on previous knowledge. These guiding questions would be asked for students to discover by their own conclusions (Jin Bierma, 2011).A large part of guided-inquiry is the questions asked of the students. These questions can be referred to as probing questions. Teachers who have incorporated guided-inquiry techniques into their classroom have found that their students grades have improved because of it (Jin Bierma, 2011);(Farrel, S.Moog, Spence, 1999).It is important when implementing guided-inquiry for the students to be given time when working on an answer to a probing question, the teacher should observe, but once they interject their opinion, the benefit of the inquiry-based learning is compromised. The more the students discuss amongst themselves, the more likely they will come to the correct answer and learn the concept in order to retain it. Probing questions need to be constructed in a way that students can come to their predictions before the class time is complete. The downside to guided-inquiry is that it takes more time to create the learning materials and not as much information can be covered in a class period (Jin Bierma, 2011). Because this type of curriculum takes a lot of time for the teacher to prepare, it is very impo rtant that when a teacher finds a lesson that works well, and the students are learning, they must share their lesson with other teachers. Teachers should not be spending time creating guided-inquiry curriculum that has already been created, they should be creating another lesson that has not been formatted into guided-inquiry curriculum (Jin Bierma, 2011) Importance of Mathematics Ibn Khaldun, a great historian, sociologist, philosopher who born in 1332AD, in Tunis,is the Strongest personalities of Arab-Muslim culture in the period of its decline. He stressed the role of mathematics in his book al-Muqaddima as Education should be started with mathematics. For it forms well designed brains that are able to reason right. It is even admitted that those who have studied mathematics during their childhood should be trusted, for they have acquired solid bases for arguing which become to them a sort of second nature. According to the Britannica Concise encyclopedia, mathematics is the science of structure, order and relation that has evolved from counting, measuring and describing the shapes of objects. It deals with logical reasoning and quantitative calculation. Since it involves quantitative calculations this makes it necessary to our everyday life as a day shall not pass without one doing some form of calculation really or abstractly in his or her brain. Imagine how it would be life if there was no mathematics; how were we going to count days, months and years, etc. Mathematics plays an important role in the complex world of science and technology. The scientific and technological development since 1940 emphasized for the first time that we live in scientific age and the disciplines which support this scientific and technologist civilization such as physics, chemistry, engineering, the management sciences, economic, the biological and medical sciences and the behavioral sciences all require Mathematics for their understanding and their further development. The place of mathematics in education must be determined by analysis of the society, the culture and the civilization, which the education is designed to serve. The dominant features of our civilization today are a series of major even revolutionary scientific developments, which have occurred in the twentieth century. Mathematics by virtue of its extensive, practical applications and the aesthetic appeal of its methods and results has long held a prominent place in education. Mathematics occupies a central position in curriculum. It is a compulsory subject from class I X. It is being taught as an integrated subject. It covers various areas like arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and statistics etc. Mathematics has gained the status of a special and universal language, which enables man to express his ideas about shape, quantity and relationship. Therefore knowledge of Mathematics is essential for successful life. The traditional theories of mathematics have been changed with the advent of the computer. In the past, application of mathematics was limited in extent. It is to be conceived as an integrated study of the learners environment, which contains the element of mathematics. The development of mathematics concept in our children will be best achieved mathematics concepts from concrete situations needs perceptive teaching. Gall and Hicks (1964) described that mathematics has played a key role in science, technology, industry, business, and ag riculture. Its study has been associated with habits of effective thinking, intellectual independence, aesthetic appreciation and creative expression. (Arif, 2011) Mathematics and Science Education in Pakistan Pakistans Education system can be broadly divided into Basic Education (primary, elementary and secondary levels) and Higher Education (post secondary and graduate levels). Both are governed by separate ministries with distinct management and financial systems. Mainstream or government schools offer primary education from class I V (5 to 9) and then middle or elementary schooling, class VI-VIII (10-13) and finally secondary schooling, class IX X (14 15). In classes IX and X students take the secondary school matriculation examination which is conducted by the Boards of Secondary Education. The medium of instruction in primary schools is Urdu, but English is introduced as a second language in class VI. The medium of instruction in the public schools is mainly Urdu, however, most of the teachers use their regional language as the language of instruction. Schools in the Provinces also teach their regional languages as a subject. However, Sindh is an exception where government schools can opt for Sindhi as a medium of instruction. As noted in the white paper and subsequently elaborated in media briefs in line with the curriculum reform to be introduced in 2007, the Ministry of Education has taken a policy decision to change the language of instruction to English in Science and Mathematics classrooms from grade VI and above (HassanAly, 2006). Science is taught as a compulsory subject at primary and elementary level (I-VIII) in an integration of biology, chemistry, physics and earth science. In primary classes (I-V), students study science 12 % of the total school time. At middle school level (VI-VIII) students spend 13-15% of their school time in studying science. At the secondary school level (IX-X) science is optional and those who opt for it study 12-14 % on each science subject physics, chemistry and biology. The content of the teaching in the middle classes revolves around three broad areas: living things, matter and energy, and the earth and the universe.(Halai, Razvi, Rodrigues, 2007) Mathematics is also taught as a compulsory subject for classes I VIII. The curriculum content is organized mainly into five major strands, number and number operations, measurement, geometry, data handling and algebra. At the secondary level (classes IX X) students can opt to take science group or general group. The former includes among other subjects physics, chemistry, biology and advanced mathematics (with a greater focus on algebra, functions, and trigonometry). The latter includes humanities and a course in general mathematics (with greater emphasis on arithmetic and less emphasis on algebra, functions and trigonometry). However, in 1995-96 the policy has changed according to which both groups take the same course in mathematics at the secondary level. A consequence of this policy is that school examination at class VIII serves the role as gate keepers in terms of who gets the science group and who doesnt. Those who perform well in mathematics and science at class VIII level get the opportunity of taking the science group. This bifurcation at an early stage in the academic life has implications for subsequent employment opportunities and poverty reduction. In a historical account of science education in Pakistan, Iqbal Mahmood (2000) maintain that until 1950 science was not taught at primary and middle level. It was the Science Education Commission established in 1959 which recommended that science education be made compulsory for classes VI-VIII. In the early sixties science education was made compulsory for I VIII but its quality was very poor. Iqbal Mahmood (2000) have shown that various education policies (1972, 1979, 1998-2010) have increasingly shifted the emphasis from a general education to science and technology education with a concomitant emphasis on school curriculum reforms both at primary and secondary level, to trigger students curiosity in scientific inquiry and understanding of scientific concepts and processes(Halai, Razvi, Rodrigues, 2007). For example, a recommendation of 1979 policy was to set Science Education Project (SEP) a six years project initiated in 1984 for promotion of science education in Pakistan at elementary and secondary and higher secondary level (6- 12) in collaboration of Asian Development Bank (Hill Tanveer, 1990). Relationship between mathematics and chemistry. In all nations of the world science and mathematics are given first class attention due to numerous benefits derived from them. Chemistry which is believed to be the mother of science equips students with knowledge in areas such as drugs, diseases, pollution, food, chemicals etc which when applied to the society improves man standard of living.(udousoro, 2011) Mathematics has generally been accepted as the foundation of science and technology and it is a very important subject in the secondary school curriculum, therefore, every nation needs it for sustained scientific and technological development.(udousoro, 2011) Also, mathematics is considered as a service tool for the study of sciences especially chemistry. But despite its importance and usefulness, it is a subject that is most feared by students at primary, secondary, even in the tertiary levels of education. Hence student with poor mathematics knowledge cannot solve calculation problems in chemistry (Kramers-pals, Lambrechts, Wolff, 2000). A careful study of the senior secondary chemistry curriculum in Nigeria and West African Senior Certificate syllabus reveal that a proper understanding of the mathematical concepts on Isotopy, formula, equations, solubility, chemical kinetics, quantitative and molar ratio, radioactivity, pH and laws of chemical equilibra etc in chemistry needs a good knowledge of basic mathematics and generally involves a lot of computation which make mathematics an important aspect of it(udousoro, 2011). The potency of mathematics as an anchor that holds the desirable achievement in the physical and biological sciences has been widely acknowledged. For instance, in chemical education, substantial studies have examined the relationship between mathematics and chemistry and found that mathematics forms the basic ingredients to the understanding of chemistry and the establishment of new facts by many researcher like Abdullahi, 1982; Johnstone, 1984; Adesoji, 1985; Carter and Brickhouse, 1989; Bello, 1990; Schmidt, 1992; Kogut, 1993; Axalonu, 1995; Adeyeye, 1999; Olayiwola, 2001; Kehinde, 2005; Adesugba, 2006(Oluwatayo, 2011). Though earlier studies in this area conducted in Nigeria reported that many students find chemistry difficult because of its abstract nature and the mathematical skills required, the bulk of the blame has been placed on the teachers for failing to develop the needed mathematical skills in the students to tackle chemical problems with ease. It is intriguing that many chemistry teachers tactically skip some perceived difficult concepts in chemistry, especially the quantitative aspects of chemical reactions due to their inability to effectively teach them, the factor which has scared many students away from chemistry(Oluwatayo, 2011).

Friday, January 17, 2020

Social Media Use

Abstract The purpose of this study is to actually look at the use of the social media (i. e Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp,) in RSUST and the academic performance of the students. In this research a qualitative research method is used. 3 researched questions were asked 1. How common is the use of social media (i. e Facebook, BBM[BlackBerry Messenger], Whatsapp, Twitter) among RSUST students. 2. How often do these students spend using the social media? 3. How has it affected the academic performance of those who use the social media and those who don't?Introduction There has been a debate about the use of social media (e. g. , Facebook,Twitter,) by high school and college students, and the possible effect of those tools on students’ academic performance (Connolly, 2011; Hargitai, & Hsieh, 2010; Karpinski, & Duberstein, 2009). The main issue of this debate is whether the growing use of social media by high school and/or university students actually improves or worsens a studentâ₠¬â„¢s academic performance.The continued growth in the usage of the social media by students as early as the elementary school level (Anderson, & Rainie, 2012; Lenhart, 2009), In fact, the average time spent with screen media among 8- to 18-year-olds is more than twice the average amount of time spent in school each year (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2010; National Center for Education Statistics, 2007–2008). This issue has brought about concerns particularly for the areas of education (e. g. the identification and use of compatible teaching methods and the design of non-classroom educational assignments); communications (e. g. , the identification of appropriate channels on how to exchange educational information among individuals) (Chen, & Bryer, 2012; Anderson, & Rainie, 2012). Over the past 10 years, the media environment that children grow up in has changed dramatically, and the amount of time they spend consuming media has exploded. Students have been engulfed with— and possibly transformed by— reality TV, smartphones, iPads, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Maslow s Hierarchy Of Needs Essay - 954 Words

MASLOW S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS. Marslow’s hierarchy of needs is a widely accepted view on the priorities that individuals universally have. In Marslow’s hierarchy, individuals need to fulfill their physical needs, feel secure, belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization. Basic physical needs are things such as the need for food, water and other essential things for survival. Every individual needs to feel safe from threats such as physical threats, variability and unpredictability of the environment and emotional stress. People often feel the need for relationships such as love, friendship and other feelings associated with being accepted in a community. On top of that, individuals also need to respect others and be respected. Self-actualization represents the need for individuals to fulfill their potentials. For example, pushing the boundaries of their creative tendencies and to optimize personal growth. The result is to be the best that one can possibly be. Since unsatisfied needs motivate behavior, therefore lower-level needs have to be fulfilled before the upper-level needs can be met. For example, individuals should feel a reasonable level of safety in terms of their job security and monetary compensation to allow employees to care for themselves and their families. These needs should be met before employees will be driven to compete for higher job responsibilities, status, and increased workload. Hence Ms. Hogan must identify the needs of different individuals asShow MoreRelatedMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1741 Words   |  7 PagesMaslow’s hierarchy of needs and Herzberg’s. The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs include five levels, and at the certain extent, reflect the rule of human s activities on psychological and behavior. Herzberg’ describe the more details of worker agree or disagree about working. In this essay, more related knowledge details and effects will de described, then, analysis the two theories individual, choose a better one. II. Describe the two theories. 2.1Maslow’s hierarchy of needs The Maslow’s hierarchy of needsRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1536 Words   |  7 Pagesunderstanding of how to motivate different personality types. In the research I am going to compare Maslow’s hierarchy of needs against Lawrence and Nohira’s 4 drive theory in an attempt to better understand their possible uses inside an organizational structure. Let’s first take a look a look at the two theories before discussing their potential benefit. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. We need to keep in mind that Maslow’s field was phycology, so his research was done from a medical viewpoint more soRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1524 Words   |  7 PagesSummary of Maslow’s The Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow developed the theories of motivation because he felt that the sophistication of human behavior could not be portrayed through reinforcement or rewards. He felt that human action were directed toward realization and fulfillments and that behavior could be gratified while using multiple types of needs at the same time. Maslow wanted to find positive motivation as to why people react or engage in certain behaviors. He felt that basic survivalRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1295 Words   |  6 PagesMaslow’s hierarchy of needs (p. 379 in EP)? Outline each level and discuss how it relates to motivation. Abraham Maslow was born in 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. He originally studied law because of the influence of my parents, but after marrying his first cousin, Bertha Goodman, and moving to Wisconsin, he became interested in psychology. After achieving his Masters in Psychology, Maslow moved back to Brooklyn and started teaching at a school there. â€Å"One of the many interesting things Maslow noticedRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs982 Words   |  4 PagesAbraham Maslow was one of the most influential and important educational psychologists and is recognized by many for his theory on mankind’s hierarchy of needs. Maslow’s theory which is known as â€Å"Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs† is best explained as a pyramid of needs that we as humans must meet in order to progress to another stage of needs. There are five stages in the pyramid of needs and they go as follows: physiological, safety, love and belongingness, esteem, and finally self-actualization. MaslowRead MoreMaslow s The Hierarchy Of Needs1769 Words   |  8 Pages Summary of Maslow’s The Hierarchy of Needs Jennifer Thompson Arkansas Tech University Author Note This individual research paper is being submitted on October 13, 2014 for Loretta Cochran’s Management [BUAD 3123] course. â€Æ' Summary of Maslow’s The Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow developed the theories of motivation because he felt that the sophistication of human behavior could not be portrayed through reinforcement or rewards. He felt that human action were directed toward realizationRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1498 Words   |  6 Pagesjust want to survive in life they want to flourish. Maslow s hierarchy of needs explains to us a ranking of needs for most essential to the least. While the interactionist point of view explains how humans are social creatures and social interaction is just as important as all of the other needs listed on Maslow’s Model. Maslow s hierarchy of needs is a ranking of needs for most essential to the least. Corrections Today explains that Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist born in New York, heRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1846 Words   |  8 PagesAbraham Maslow developed the Hierarchy of needs (HON) to try and explain human psychological developments and how these manifest themselves into a worker’s life. We will explore some issues brought up by the model and why it may lack a certain the degree of unification and how it could potentially work better if entwined with other views. Motivation is the â€Å"word derived from the word ’motive’ It’s the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals† (guide, 2017) Also, MaslowRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs Essay1527 Words   |  7 Pages This international technology company demands strong motivation, stupendous leadership and great understanding between workers. Leaders need to create willingness amongst the employees to operate at their highest potential; this willingness is referred to as motivation. This report is based on a content/needs theory of motivation (Maslow’s hierarchy of needs). It consists of two pieces of primary research on the theory. The first one summarises worker motivation on selected construction sites inRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1388 Words   |  6 Pages Abraham Maslow was an American philosopher who was born in the early 1990 s in Brooklyn, New York. He was one of the leading theorists that promoted humanistic psychology during his era. Maslow sought to understand what motivates and inspires individuals. He theorized that individuals possess and hold a group of motivation and incentive systems not related to plunder or insensible desires. Maslow declared that people are motivated and provoked to attain certain needs. When one need is fulfilled

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Essay about Strategic Decision Making in the Cuban Missile...

Strategic decision success is heavily reliant on the attitudes that managers take toward the decision-making process and toward the decision itself. The Cuban missile crisis is the most well known case of strategic decision making at the level of the nation-state. The nature of the case was such that the use of evaluative frameworks and concepts along with the right managerial attitudes eventuated in a successful strategic outcome. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a confrontation between the United States, the Soviet Union and Cuba. In April 1962 the Soviets began supplying Cuba with military arms in the form of surface-to-air missiles and surface-to-surface cruiser missiles, and later, sometime during the spring of 1962, the Soviets began to†¦show more content†¦It was a tricky situation, made all the more complex by the most important constraint: time. For every day that the United States did not act, the Soviets became closer to completing the missile sites with nuclear capab ility and in turn closer to obtaining a strategic military advantage over the United States. When these constraints were reviewed by the Executive Committee it was clear that they would have to remove the missiles from Cuba in such a way that would preserve the balance of power and not work to the political disadvantage of the United States. The United States had a number of options to choose between, each with its own positive and negative outcomes. It was clear that due to the time constraints, a diplomatic approach would fail as the time required would allow the Soviets to finish the missile bases and in turn make it more difficult to induce a complete withdrawal. Another option was to use military attacks on Cuba to destroy the missiles immediately. While this would be very effective in terms of time, it would not be the best choice overall as it would not only worsen the world’s opinion towards the United States but also strengthen theShow MoreRelatedThe Influence Of Nuclear Weapons During The Cuban Missile Crisis Essay1700 Words   |  7 Pagesarticle, â€Å"The Influence of Nuclear Weapons in the Cuban Missile Crisis,† Marc Trachtenberg considers three historical approaches to the role that nuclear arms played during the 1962 conflict: first, the view that nuclear arms played no role at all, with U.S. and Soviet weapons cancelling each other out, second, the interpretation that the risk involved with nuclear warfare heavily influenced policy making, and finally the view that the strategic imbalance of nuclear force, characterized by a substantialRead MoreThe War Of The Soviet Union908 Words   |  4 Pageselection of John F Kennedy in 1960. Kennedy won the  1960  election and  became  president of the  U.S. in 1961. Kennedy defeated  Republican candidate  Richard  Nixon in part because  Kennedy played  up  a  socalled  Ã¢â‚¬Å"missile  gap†, claiming  that Republicans under  Eisenhower  had  let the  Soviet Union get a  missile  advantage over  the  United  States. If anything he was believed to be a cold warrior. At the time Cuba leader Fidel Castro was tying his Country to Soviet Communism. The eastern block was sending militaryRead MoreThe United States And The World From A Nuclear Holocaust1408 Words   |  6 PagesDuring the Cuban Missile crisis, John F. Kennedy was forced to make many difficult decisions on how the United States should respond to the crisis. While listening to the many voices of reason, it became evident there was no easy solution to resolve the conflict and with many possible outcomes. For JFK, The essence of ultimate decisi on [remained] impenetrable to the observer - often, indeed, to the decider himself.... 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